Thursday, May 29, 2008

NYC: Update from the Hospital


Dear Beloved prayer warriors,

This is just quick update so you can be praying with wisdom. Last Saturday morning I had little crisis and they sent me to the hospital by ambulance. It's was quite an adventure as the NY paramedic department moved me through the crooks and crannies and back halls of the Hotel. At the hospital they found through the blood work that I had a severe infection and they hospitalized me to find the source of infection.

Once again I've seen God's perfect timing and hand in all of this. We've been praying for miracle and yesterday much of the lab work came back showing dramatic changes of the liver function. Praise God! He's working. Thank you so much for your prayers. They are helping me to keep focused on the promises of God. Everyday His word becomes more precious to our hearts.

Elvia and Haeyoung are taking amazing care of me. They are a godsend especially in the wee hours of the morning. My older sister Marty came for 2 weeks. She brought us lots of joy and laughter and tonight my sister Mindy is flying in from Iraq which I'm looking forward to.

Thank you for all who have written expressing desire to come or to send something. The biggest help at this time would be any support for Jericho. Thank you so much for the cards and e-mails. You have no idea how much it means to me to hear from you at this time.

With all my love in Christ,

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